Sunday 4 January 2015

Building the model in cinema 4D

UNIT 72 Concept art - draw spaceship

Assets - Board

  • I want to create an art board in the rooms, because the color for scene 5 is too plane. To do that  I create a cube and change the size of it then I go online and search the picture that I want to use.

  • After I found a picture from internet, I then go to Cinema 4D and create a texture. Then I tick luminance and load the picture that I found from internet, but we also need to unlock the color or it will look really messy.

  • These two picture on the left I think it looks really good and I like the style of it. 

Different view of the character

Character Rigging 1

  • Make the joint, root, spine and body part to the character is the first step, the next step I need to do is go to binding and drop the model into the box to create a skin on the model, after I create the skin I can then go animation add walk to make it walk or use key frame to make it move. Its really hard to make the right position, but I know I will used to it 

  • The image above is using CMotion- add walk to create, it look quite natural when the model actually walk.

  • For this image above I have use key frame to help me to make the movement. First I move the leg and then drop the key frame at the timeline, then I repeat to do another movement, as long as the key frame is not at the same position on the timeline. 

Character Rigging

  • After I finish the model, I need to rig it, because if I don’t the model wouldn’t able to move.
  • To do that I need to need to select character tool and add different joint to the character, for example arm, head and leg, then I neeed to move them to the right position, I can do that in different view to make it correct.

Character I create for my animation

I had done a simple experimented before of how to create a character.My character is simple but I still need to take my time.To start I first create a cube, and make lots segments then I make it editable, so I can move the key point to build the body. 
After I done the right half of the body I use symmetry to build another half, I do that because more equal and fast.

Then I create the blue eye using the Boole tool and connect it with the body.

My 3D Storyboard for my animation

  • This is my 3D Storyboard for my animation,I think this help and shown a little bit more about the animation.

Monday 8 December 2014

Chair I done

  • The chairs I make is really simple, its just 4 cube stick together, but I also know they are other why to do it for example symmetry is a good way.

  • The bottom right image is the how it actually looks like when I render it out, very simple, but look really nice.

Assets I done - Extrude the cube

  • I really like extrude in Cinema 4d, because I think it can create lots object, for example this random object I create, for the whole object I only use the extrude.

  • This is when I finish extrude the cube, it don’t look that good.

  • Because the colours is too simple, so I go online and find some pictures for the texture and I think this two is quite fit the object.